Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Eye of cross-eyed

I went to my appointment at the Wilmer Eye Institute (Hopkins) today. The picture of this doc on their website is like straight out of central casting. Black and white shot…bowtie…old…scary as hell. So, that’s what I was expecting. But, that’s not at all what he was like. What a great man. Older, bowtie, not at all intimidating. Totally engaging.

Best of all, he didn’t think I was crazy. I tried not to get my hopes up just in case he couldn’t do anything for me. But, he thinks that the word movement is caused by the fact that my eyes are being pulled slightly toward the center. (Yeah, like cross-eyed) I had no idea. Due to the constant correction by my muscles, the movement of words results. Interesting and totally logical based upon other symptoms that I have experienced. Ok, so it is back to wearing glasses…or trying it one more time. This time with prisms. Go figure. If it doesn’t work, I am giving up. I have a follow up with him in June.

I also have my appointment for a full work up at the Lab School of Washington on the 7th and 8th of June. That will work out well because the OPM Conference begins the evening of the 8th so I will just stay through. I need to extend the reservation for the pups at the pet resort. Yes, pet resort. If you could see this place you would understand why they call it that. Check it out…

We spent more on their accommodations than our own during our last vacation!!! But, they love it there and we are so comfortable leaving them.

Anyway, my eyes hurt from all the light and stuff.


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