Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This, that and the other

It has been a couple of days since I last posted. I volunteered on Monday, which was exhausting but no less fulfilling. I will volunteer again tomorrow...unless I call in because I really want one of my last days before school to be free days with hubby. I may do that. There is a patient on the burn unit that I would like to be involved with, but I am just too wiped and selfish with my remaining hours of freedom right now. Classes begin next Thursday and I wasn't brilliant enough to plan far enough in advance to schedule a follow up eye appointment at JHU. With us now living farther away from Baltimore, it is more than a one day quick trip. I can be, I suppose, but it would be a miserable day. So, hopefully, we will go the night before and stay so that we only have one way to drive the following day.

This morning, I was a horrible doggy mom. While cutting a knot out of the fur underneath the big dog's ear (a task that she trusts me to do), I chopped into her ear. Oh my. It was so sad. She was bleeding and I felt horrible. It looked like a relatively bad cut b/c it was on the edge and therefore the skin split apart quite dramatically. But, we stopped the bleeding, put some rubbing alcohol on it and applied treats to is good. For a second there, I thought that we may actually have to make a trip to the vet for a suture or two. This was troubling b/c we don't even know where to go. We haven't established a relationship with a new vet since the move. Anyway, big puppy is lying here in bed next to me and things are ok.

I got a lot done yesterday, including buying my books. Ok, I officially feel REALLY old. It wasn't just the 18 year old teeny boppers carrying boxes into the dorms, but even the supplies for class! I handed my schedule to the "woman" behind the counter and she returned with a stack of books and a box containing a little remote control looking thing. Apparently, this is for taking quizzes in class...or something. My chem prof is requiring it. I feel so old. Not to mention, I am completely out of shape. A fat, old woman...not too pretty for beginning school with a bunch of teenagers! That's ok, I used to gravitate to the old people in my class. They weren't idiots. They were serious. Not to mention, they had resources to make a project go well. I remember one project in one of my Health Admin classes. One of my group members was Debra, a very nice and easy going woman with discipline. She also worked for a well known hospital near my univ. So, while the other groups were putting together their H.A. projects in dorm rooms, we were in the radiology department of a Texas hospital getting exposure and input from other employees. I'm not stupid. ;) Don't misunderstand me, she was a very nice woman who I had befriended prior to the project.

Well, today I need to call the parking office and change the tag number of one of my cars that I listed for my parking permit. I really should look at the plate before I start typing...but NOOOO! Click, click, click, tap, tap, tap and I entered the wrong info. At least I got the make and model of the car correct , not to mention half of the plate. But, if I know anything, those rent-a-cops will nail you for anything. So, I best be changin' it.

I have decide to remain in my College Algebra class even though I have already taken it. Why? I got a C in it last time (a million years ago) and DO schools/AACOMAS will replace the grade with the higher one. So, provided I can pull something higher than a pitiful will be good. If I can't, I better give up this whole idea of med school. Now God, PLEASE let me get a prof who doesn't refer to himself in the third person and tell people how stupid they are. Oh yes, good times.

Ok my reading public...all 5 of you...HA! I am gonna close here.

Hopefully, I will update again soon.

Hasta luego.

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