Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Steve Centanni

I know that I have already posted today, but something has been going on that is troubling me. A little (very little) backstory on me...I used to work for Fox News Channel in Washington, DC. While I was there, I met many people...for this purpose I am referring to my fellow employees. One of whom was Steve Centanni. Steve shared an office with a dear friend of mine ... Kelly Wright ... and I often looked at the collection of humorous momentos or press creditials to impressive events that hung on the bulletin board and wall next to his desk. Centanni and his cameraman were kidnapped in Gaza on Tuesday. I literally screamed when I found out it was someone that I knew. I know that journalists "volunteer" (so to speak) to be there and we say the same for soldiers, but that does not make death or peril any less tragic or dimish the fear. As of this writing, no one has taken responsibilty for the kidnappings nor made any demands in exchange for their release. This is unusual when all other American abductions were successfully ended within a matter of hours. May we always keep those in harm's way in our thoughts and prayers.

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