Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am pleased to report that my university now has its first (at least those in the know told me there hadn't been one before) Students for Organ Donation advocacy organization. I registered us last night and everyone involved is really excited. I was greeted with one little (ok, big piece) of info that didn't sit well with me and required some changes...our secondary officer is (was) not a registered organ donor. She wondered why I came unglued (her words: "Why is it such a big deal?") when I found out. We had a little chat about 1. hypocrisy and 2. the reasons why she wasn't a donor. After all, SHE was the very kind of person that this organization was created to reach! So, I found out why...she didn't want to be "cut up" and "have scars". Um...are you SERIOUS!? But, here is the kicker...she said she guess it didn't matter since she was going to be cremated. UH...YA THINK??? She was surprised to find out that a single donor can save up to 7 lives and that 92,000 people are currently on the transplant list, then I gave her statistics regarding how many transplants have been performed in our state. By that point, I thought I was getting through to her. She then asked with a solemn look on her face, "How many people will die waiting for a transplant?" I said "most."

She is now an organ donor.


If you are not a donor, please become one today! No one is going to kill you for your organs, but someone could die if you don't give them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is really cool that you started an organ donation group!