Thursday, November 16, 2006

Under the weather.

Hi all! Thankgiving is next week and the semester is coming to a close. I have registered for Spring classes and ordered my parking permit. Unfortunately, my parking deck was sold out ONE DAY after they went on sale and I was unable to snag one. So, I have a different garage. A bummer, but there are far more important things in life.

I had 2 exams this week, but was very sick and wasn't able ta make either one of them. Thankfully, neither one of them were Chem. In Chem, there are NO MAKE UP EXAMS. You just get a zero. The one saving grace...if your final is higher than any one of your test grades, then it replaces that grade in addition to counting as the final. I am supposed to make up my Math exam by tomorrow and I'm not entirely certain how that is going to happen. I can barely make it up the stairs in my house...much less walk from my car to the building and up 3 flights of stairs. Ugh. I also must make up a Nutrition exam. I have the doctor's note that is required, but my prof has yet to get back with me. I emailed her on Wednesday (as required) and she has not replied. Supposedly, you are supposed to make it up the same week, but that would be just one day after the day the exam was given...which means you better not be very sick! Thankfully, I don't think that she holds fast to this requirement...especially since she is horrible to nail down.

Well, enough of this week.

Next week, I have a Human Bio exam, a HUMS/Chem exam as well as somehow making up the Nutrition exam. Lots of studying this weekend. I am glad this semester is almost over. I mean, I am terrified of finals, but ready to get it overwith.

OK, back to boring TV game show reruns. I have tried to study all week, but it has been useless.

Over and out.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I really hope you get to feeling better and that things work out ok with your make-up exams.

Good luck with your studying - that's what I'll be doing too. Except during the Michigan/OSU game, of course! Oh, and the NASCAR race. :)