Thursday, January 01, 2009

I am sad. As much as the possibility of a code causes me anxiety and as horrible as the medication adjustments are making me feel awful, I am brokenhearted about quitting my job today. That is about all I will say about it. I need to work. I mean we are not destitute and will not go hungry, but if we expect to maintain or grow our retirement/savings accounts I need to work. Of course, if we want to have a child, I can't least in that job. Thankfully, I am eligible for rehire.

Tomorrow, I go to the doctor...and again next week. Eventually, the meds will be settled and I will be too.

Late addition:
While I am still not happy about quitting my job and not happy about not having a job, I am beginning to see that this is really a good thing. I can be calm and focused on my pregnancy (whenever it may happen) and have time to study (until the baby gets here).

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