Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Puppies - they grow up so quickly

Does anyone know how to change the look of this template? It is driving me batty. All I want to do is toss a different header up there .. nothing too snazzy. If you know...please tell me. I am tired of this ugliness.

I went to the massage therapist today and I am thrilled to report that I am feeling a bit better. Really, I shouldn't call it until I wake up in the morning and stiffness has had a chance to set in, but so far, so good.

Today was Callie's birthday. She is 7. Ahh yes, I remember the old days...she was 15 pounds and co-dependent. Now, she is 114 pounds and co-dependent. My sweet puppy. For your viewing pleasure:
And, because her little sister will get ridiculously jealous, here's Abbie:

Those are the ones that either keep us calm and drive us insane at the same time. We love them tremendously.

That's all I have to report for now. Well, except that I got a new Chemistry book in the mail. Yes, that is where my life has gone.

Beam me up, Scotty.

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