Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My head would fall off...

...if it weren't being held on by these super tight muscles in my neck! OUCH!

This thing is killing me. I thought that it would go away. But....NOOOOOO! Not know what exactly it is (perhaps just a crick) I hesitated calling my massage therapist for fear that it may make things worse. However, this morning when I woke up I had had enough. I called him before 8am. Thank goodness he has an appointment available today. Wish me luck.

Hubby has been so wonderful. He always takes care of me. It is so sweet. This morning, he brought breakfast up for the two of us so that I wouldn't have to move much. Strawberry Delight Shredded Wheat (HOLLA Nikki!)

Today, they were going to deliver the appliances to our new house, but that didn't work out. (I had already cancelled tutoring! Ugh!) Apparently, they wanted to drive a semi down the street of a neighborhood with century old houses. When they built the neighborhood, it was not designed for huge trucks. There are (relatively) low hanging wires and many of the houses do not have garages requiring the owners to park on the street. So, a smaller truck must be used. Of course, they act as if this is some horrible thing. Anyway, we will hopefully find out when they will deliver the stuff soon. I suspect that it will be Thursday. My tutor is out of town on Thursday, so we won't meet at all this week. But, I have been concentrating my efforts on the Western Civ exam that I had yesterday so I really haven't studied for Physics or Calc...I'll do that this week.

Less than a month left of Western Civ!! Amen, Alleluia and Praise the Lord! Then it's gonna be Physics and Calc hardcore! I plan on taking those both in the fall. As long as it isn't some sort of HISTORY! Aggh!

Ok my fellow Earth dwellers...over and out for now.

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