Monday, April 10, 2006

History and Ham

I had my Western Civ exam today. It is hard to judge how it went...could have been really great or really horrible. Usually, students know how they did before they leave the class, but I had to leave immediate following the completion of my exam since I was not sure how my neck was going to behave. While I am not exactly certain how I hurt it, I thought the situation was merely a crick. Upon further thought, I realized that it began hurting after I shook my hair dry. (Yes, like one of those shaggy dogs) When I lifted the blow dryer, I suddenly felt this pain shoot through my neck. So, here we are. My movement is quite limited. I am already bruised from my hubby massaging so much, so I don't know if I should go to my massage therapist and possibly make the situation worse. I guess we will see how things go. Anyway, I look forward to finding out how I did on the exam.

It is a gorgeous day out. I really want to go out driving, but the whole neck thing takes a lot of the fun out of it.

I ordered a ham for this weekend. Yes, I am actually going to prepare a meal. We went to a Chinese restaurant on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I don't want to do that again. I don't like holidays so much. Growing up, things were a bit different. There were family or family friends (who didn't have family nearby) around. Unfortunately, the social environment hasn't been very welcoming, the only family we have here is my sister-in-law and her husband. Him, I can stand. Her...I would rather be alone. Why don't we travel to see my side of the family? Perhaps I will get into that another day. Besides, it's really not an option with my husband's profession. Perhaps I will visit that as well on another day.

It is too gorgeous not to go driving in the convertible. I have a few places to need to go...see ya.

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