Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Blah.

It's Super Bowl Sunday. I am not a football fan so that means reruns, laundry, internet or studying for me. Which of these would be the best choice? The one I am not doing. I had an exam in Developmental Psych last week and the scores were posted yesterday. I got a 95. I am very pleased with that. :) Tomorrow, I have to turn in my topic for my major paper for the semester. I will be writing it about pediatric cancer. Monday night, my 100 question "quiz" is due in EMT class and Wednesday I will be taking my first Physiology exam. I am not looking forward to all.

I have been sleeping a lot. I don't really know why. All I seem to want to do is sleep. I have thought about whether it could be depression or just exhaustion. I can't see how I could possibly be exhausted and I have no idea what would have caused depression to rear its ugly head. Either way, it is getting on my nerves.

We have been eating at home a lot more to save money and eat healthier. Unfortunately, I think we are only accomplishing the money saving aspect. The caloric intake is really not that low. Tonight I made enchiladas. I need to make less. I cook as though we are a family of 5 and the 2 of us end up finishing it or really not having much left. That is not good. :( Anyway, I think that hubby is enjoying me know, actually following a recipe. LOL.

I need to schedule to take the GRE. Random thought...but an important one.

Ok, outta here for now.

1 comment:

Dilly Bar said...

Congrats on your good grade!

Hope you get your energy back soon