Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Call.

I am nearing the end of my EMT class. All we are doing now are practicals. After being cancelled, getting food poisoning (or something..) and whatnot, I finally was able to fulfill my clinical hours. The first night, I was at the rescue squad where I am taking my class. I didn't really expect much action...and the time lived up to it. Not one call. I mean, that is good because it means that no one in our region was having a problem that necessitated calling 911, but on the other hand I didn't learn anything. The second night, I worked an overnight. It was at a station that generally gets plenty of calls. It was a slow night...we got 2. I had a great time. What a rush. We were sent on two priority 1 difficulty breathing calls. The more severe of which was a 39 yo/f. Two hours later, when we ran the second call to the same hospital, she still had a sat in the mid 80s. Likely, pneumonia. I rode with a fantastic crew. I would like to join them permanently, but it is quite time consuming for a voluntary position and the number of deaths of EMTs in the line of duty in my state was pretty high last year which freaks hubby out. So, I will have to decide what I am going to do. I am going to be getting a job, so I probably should just ride as an associate until I find out my schedule...whenever that may be.

I have my EMT final tomorrow and the state exam in a couple of weeks. I also have a Developmental Psych exam on Friday and Human Physiology on Monday. I am probably most ready for the Physiology exam..which I haven't studied for. I seem to understand that pretty easily. Thankfully. (and knock on wood)

I need to schedule the GRE and get studying. A lot pressure was alleviated when I changed to nursing, but I am not using the extra time wisely. I have to admit that I am not missing Physics and Chem though. :-)

Over and out for now. I am off today and need to run a few errands before the plumber gets here this afternoon (don't ask...issues, issues).

Over and out.


Anonymous said...

So this is admittedly a dumb question because i could probably find the answer with a search, but the GRE? I'm curious... I looked into NP programs but the only ones I saw at my local university required a BSN and/or lots of experience in nursing. Maybe I just mis-read something, but how is the application process different? What's required?

Dr. Underdog said...

Not a dumb question...the GRE is the Graduate Record Exam. Required for grad school. The NP that I am head for is an accelerated program for those that already have a degree in another discipline. It consists of 28 months of full time work during which you earn an RN, BSN and an NP. So, the bachelors nursing is not required prior to staring the program. In fact, you are not eligible for this program if you already have it. Pretty cool, huh? Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like a really awesome (but demanding!) program! I do actually know what the GRE is, I took it myself not even two weeks ago, but I can understand you thinking the question mark meant I didn't know what it was. And I had my hairstylist tell me that a real estate exam is called GRE as well, so it can be confusing. ;) That sounds like the perfect program, and I bet it will be such a great experience, I can't wait to hear how it all goes! I wonder if there is a program like that near me (NC)?