Tuesday, January 16, 2007

First Day Back

Classes resumed today. I am in for quite a semester. This will be the semester that determines whether or not I can actually do it. Anatomy alone....WHOA. Not to mention, the professor couldn't be less "entertaining"...a very nice lady, very grandmotherly...with a great love for the word "People."

"I tell you something people..."
"You know people...."
"People, you have to..."

I think I am going to enjoy it though. We will have 2 cadavers in lecture this semester instead of moving one from lab to lab. That will be interesting. Now, how many "people" are going to puke and how many are going to faint? I hope and pray that I am not one of those.

Unfortunately, Blackboard is not functioning correctly for me and I am unable to access the class notes and notices. This is not good. Apparently, I am one of the only ones. I emailed her to see what the heck is going on.

I need to go buy colored pencils (reminds me of 4th grade Social Studies) and a one subject notebook for one of my Chem classes. They are very picky about that. It must be a one subject dedicated notebook. Um...ok. Thankfully, I have already determined what we are having for dinner and it won't take very long to make. I did not sleep well at all last night and would like to take a nap. The thought of taking a nap makes me feel guilty and that is why I have spent the last hour avoiding it. But, I don't think I am going to quit feeling this way nor quit thinking about it until I snooze. So, off to crash I go.

Night for now PEOPLE! ;)

-Dr. Underdog

1 comment:

Mrs. Chief Howling Wolf said...

Schools starts tomorrow for me, and I could not be more happy. One more step toward the end of the tunnel.

I hope your 2nd week fares better in terms of class material access.

Don't sweat Anatomy - if you do the work and follow the syllabus, you'll rock it out.

The best thing that helped me was that our professor made a list of all the structures and functions we had to know for each block. Our labs were pretty much orientation to whatever was the topic for the day, and then a 2.5-hour cadaver exploration for us.

As I studied my structures, I wrote functions and descriptions in the space on the right and checked them off on the left. Any that I had a hard time finding (on the cadaver or in pics) I marked specially so I knew to review the location before the exam. I hope that helps you, too.