Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Loooooong Weekend!

With every passing day, I am amazed at the stress I will endure in pursuit of medicine. I may just have an easy life, but I have never pushed myself so hard on a constant basis. I have been more successful a things without trying as hard. Sports for one. I always acted like I put in the extra effort, but in reality it was a joke. I loved it and I had natural ability. I don't have a lot of natural ability when it comes to school and none of it comes easily. Consequently, everything requires extra effort.

I had 3 exams yesterday and 2 major assignments due at midnight. The day flew by. I was too busy rushing from one exam to the other that I didn't have time to be stressed nor realize my anxiety. When the day was over, I just smiled. The exams had gone well...we will find out just how well next week and I felt good. I hit a wall when it came to the assignments though. One was completely on material that had been taught last week and I, of course, was sick all week. So, I took a big hit on that grade. But, my homework average is somewhere around 97-98% so I am not too concerned. Thankfully, the other assignment was extended until Friday at 11pm. I don't think I will know how to complete it anymore by then than I did last night, so I am just trying to put it out of my mind for now. There is a ton of studying that I need to get done in the next couple of weeks. Finals begin the 9th of Dec. So...we'll see if I can maintain my good grades and pull up those that aren't so hot. Either way, I am proud of the effort I have put forth this semester. I hope to outdo myself next semester.

BTW...the title...we are out for Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am very proud of the effort you have put forth this semester as well. :) Hope you are having a great holiday!