Thursday, August 03, 2006

If I could come up with a title, maybe I would know what I am thinking...

When I was younger, I always said I wanted to become a pediatric oncologist. I soon learned that peds is not so much about kids as it is about the parents. I no longer want to have anything to do with a pediatric specialty. LOL. I had a full day of volunteering at XYZCC. What I may not have explained is that XYZCC is part of a large hospital. I don't know if that is necessarily pertinent, but there is the info if you need it in the future. Today, I spent my time in the wig salon. I will be one of the peeps in there as well. What people don't know about this tiny room in the winding halls of XYZCC is that it is a place where any woman undergoing treatment for cancer (regardless of where she is treated in the metro area) can receive a free wig...or cranial prosthesis (whichever you chose to call it). We have hats for men, but no toupes. Furthermore, there is a selection of women's hats and scarves. Patients find out about this tiny room that can house many emotions in a variety of different ways.

Today, I went on rounds of a few floors. I met one particular patient who I look forward to following from a psychological perspective. She is awesome. I walked into her room with my junior counterpart and from the get-go it was non-stop laughter. Ms. M is newly diagnosed. I do not know what type of cancer she has, but as she put it "I came in for a quick bone scan and I stayed." Tonight she was supposedly having her hair cut before she begins chemo next week. Her laughter was infectious and her spirit was inviting. Next week, we have the first formal consultation with her to choose her wig. She was especially interested in how to apply false eyelashes without looking like 2 spiders had taken a traumatic adventure into her upper face. I pray that she keeps her attitude as it is today throughout this journey, but the reality is that life is going to become more difficult for her than many or even most of us have ever known.

I am sorry, I have been derailed. Someone that I care very much about is very ill. Disease stinks. I hope to make a difference one day in a profound way. For now, let's keep in mind those who are suffering in mind, body and/or spirit tonight. As I easily go on in my life, battling whatever issues I may encounter, it is so easy to become self-centered forgetting the pain that is ever-present in the lives of so many. None of this is an original thought...just one that we need to keep in mind a lot more often.

As I sit in my comfortable, middle class house with the thermostat maintaining a brisk 72F, how many people died from the heat today? How many walked outside this morning to make a living and didn't come home tonight? I am so grateful. How many patients that I saw today will not be alive tomorrow morning? I pray that when I enter those rooms, I do so with the respect that each life deserves. I pray that I treat the patients who are not aware of my presence with the same respect that I treat those who are. Always.

Tonight has been rough. I am going to close here.

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