Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Moving - underway

The movers came this morning to pack. In fact, they just left. I cleared some stuff out of the garage so that they wouldn't pack it. Heck, we have more stuff than we need already. We have more stuff than we WANT actually. That is just sinful in my opinion. So many people completely without and we have more than we know what to do with!

Somehow, I wrenched my lower back. This is not anything happens frequently. But, nonetheless painful.

The pups have to go to the vet tomorrow for their annual exams and to get their shots updated since they will be boarded in a couple of weeks when I go to the OPM Conference. I am really looking forward to it (the conference, not the vet)! I haven't heard of anyone I know planning to go, but I know that all of the rooms that were blocked off are taken, so I am anxious to meet some people.

I really need to go get something for lunch. The movers packed up the pantry, the spices, the dishes...the kitchen. Everything but 5 bananas, a few bad oranges and a couple of tomatoes that I will give to the neighbor across the street since the knives were packed too.

I think I will go surf around at SDN...

Have a good one.


Sarge said...

What's shakin Doc? Let me know how the OPM conference goes. I wanted to go, but we decided to visit family instead... what can you do... at 27 I still feel like my parents can ground me for not visiting. ;)

Be safe, and have fun!

M H said...

I really wish I could go :(

Mrs. Chief Howling Wolf said...

Hey PW! I just can't afford to go to OPM AND fix up the house this year..... let us know how it goes.

And good luck with the move. It's stressful, but remember, you're preserving your sanity!